Featured in a TechnoFeature

As reported on the TechnoLawyer Blog last week, my article, Top 12 Treo Program for Lawyers on the Go was featured as this week’s TechnoFeature. TechnoLawyer summarized the article as:

Do you only use your Treo as a phone and to occasionally check your email? Did you know that you can also use it listen to music, read books, review documents, share photos, and much more? In this article, attorney Bryan Sims details his top 12 Treo programs for the mobile lawyer (we tried to stop him at 10, but he just kept writing). Among his picks, you’ll find both free and commercial programs, professional programs geared for productivity, and programs that just make a Treo more fun.

I will post a full copy of the article in this space later this week. In the meantime, I encourage you to subscribe to TechnoLawyer.

Favorite: The Cellet Treo Holster

Given that I am talking about secure holders for my Treo. I thought now would be a good time to mention my favorite Treo holster. It is the Treo Rubberized holster made by Cellet. One reason that I love this holster is that it holds my Treo with the screen toward the inside, thus providing greater protection.

Treo HolsterAdditionally, the holster securely holds my Treo. When my Treo is in the holster, I do not fear that it is going to fall out. Related to this, the rubberized coating that covers the holster allows me to firmly hold the holstered Treo securely in my hand.

Like most holsters, it also contains a multi-position belt clip. This belt clip is very secure as well. In fact, the one minor quibble that I have with the holster is that the belt clip is too secure sometimes and I have trouble getting the holster off.

Although the retail price on this holster is $29.95, it is currently available from Wireless Ground for $9.95. Wireless Ground also offers free shipping on orders over $50. For orders less than $50, the shipping fee is a flat $3.95. Thus, you can get a great Treo holster for less than $15. Who can beat that?

Pro Clip, Perfect for Your Treo in the Car

Since getting my Seidio FM Transmitter I have been looking for a secure method of carrying my Treo in my car. I have found a great solution in Pro Clip. Pro Clip has an interesting two part system. You have to buy both a vehicle mount and a device holder to get the whole system. This makes their system more expensive than some others, however, it ensures that both the vehicle mount and the device are a proper fit.

Their vehicle mounts are available for just about every make and model vehicle. AdditionallyPro Clip Pro Clip provides several different choices for vehicle mounts. For example, Pro Clip offers six different mounts for different locations in my car. Pro Clip also offers five different device holders for the Treo 650.

Installing the vehicle mount was a piece of cake. It took me fewer than two minutes to install the vehicle mount. The mount is secure and does not rattle at all. The device holder was just as easy to install and it holds my Treo securely, while leaving easy access to the charging port and my headphone jack.

If you are looking for a secure method of holding your Treo or other handheld device in your car, you can’t go wrong looking at Pro Cip’s selection.

Hilton Hotels and iCalendar

I recently had to book a hotel stay. I booked the hotel through the Hilton website. When I completed the reservation, the system gave me the option to have my stay information emailed to me in iCalendar format.

I selected this option and a few minutes later I had an email with my hotel information contained within it. I accepted the meeting and I then had a calendar entry with the hotel name and city. The note attached to the calendar entry contained my confirmation number as well as the full street address and telephone number of the hotel. After syncing my Treo, I now had all of this information on my Treo.

This is a great little option offered by Hilton, that I had not seen before on other reservation sites. This gives me one more reason to book my hotel stays through Hilton’s website.
The question I have, however, is: Why doesn’t everyone do this? I imagine it is not terribly difficult to program. Plus, it is great feature for your consumers.

Pike’s Peak or Bust

From Pike's Peak

This is the view I had from near the top of Pike’s Peak. At the same time I had this beautiful view, I was able to take a couple of minutes, check my email, and confirm with a potential new client that the client had retained our firm to represent it in a new litigation matter.

The great thing about staying connected with a Treo is that I can spend just a couple of minutes checking my email, putting out any major fires, and addressing any major concerns. Then I can go back to my vacation without having to worry about things at the office.

Additionally, there is just something neat about being able to check my email while at the top of Pike’s Peak.

Treo Updates


If you like your Treo (and I certainly do) you should be reading the Treonauts blog. The blog contains reviews of Treo accessories, helping you make the decision on which accessories may work best for you. The blog also keeps you updated with current news regarding the Treo. A recent post gives us a nice summary of things happening in the new future with Palm and the Treo.

5 in 1 Treo Charging Kit

Treonauts points us toward a great accessory for your Treo: The SPE ExtraPower USB 5 in 1 charging set.This is the perfect accessory for anyone who travels.5 in 1

The kit contains:

  • A retractable USB cable
  • A Treo HotSync and charge tip
  • A Palm power connector
  • A tip to charge SonyEricsson Bluetooth Headsets
  • A miniUSB tip (to charge other Bluetooth Headsets)
  • A 5v power connector (can charge a TomTom GPS receiver)

This is a great product for people who use a Treo along with a Bluetooth headset. You can charge all of your devices with one simple kit. Additionally, you also end up with a nice retractable USB cable that you can use with any USB or miniUSB device.

Need a Little More Room on Your Treo?

Are you running out of room on the SD card in your Treo? Is 2GB just not enough for you?

8GB CardPretec has the solution for you: An 8GB SD card.

I know, you are saying, “But I can’t use an 8GB card with my Treo.” True enough, however, My Treo Dot Net has a nifty little hack you can use, as long as you don’t mind voiding your warranty.

Of course, if you don’t want to void your warranty, you can stick the card in your digital camera and take 8,000 pictures or so before you run out of storage.

Palm GPS Navigator 3

Treonauts has a great post detailing the release of Palm GPS Navigator Smartphone Edition 3. If this is something that you are thinking about purchasing, or if you are thinking about upgrading from Edition 2.

The post also includes a handy chart detailing the differences between the two editions. He also points you to a handy link to allow your Treo 670 and 750 to work with the Tom Tom 6.