Friday Fun: Electric Toothbrush or Milk Frother?

If you enjoy science fiction, you should be listening to Escape Pod, a science fiction podcast magazine. I recently listened to a story there titled Conversations With and About My Electric Toothbrush. This story addresses the age old question about what to do with an electric toothbrush which longs to be a milk frother.

As a gadget geek, I must admit that I am a little disturbed with the idea that one day my toothbrush may be surfing the internet and talking to me about it. Then again, maybe I will just learn to like cappuccinos.

Practicing in a County With a Small Bar

One of the things that I love about practicing where I do is that, despite the overall population of the area, the litigation bar in DuPage County is still relatively small. I saw a perfect example of this yesterday.

I was in court waiting for a case to be called when a local attorney entered the courtroom. The judge, who was in the middle of her court call, paused the proceedings and publicly congratulated the attorney on the fact that his son had just been awarded a Rhodes Scholarship.

I just thought it was a neat moment.

Man Takes Out Cell Phone Towers with APC

I know that sometimes I get frustrated with my cell phone. However, this seems to be a bit of an over reaction. APC

A man in Sydney used an armored personnel carrier to destroy six cell phone towers. According to the news report, the police were able to arrest the man after the tank stalled while he was preparing to attack a third cell phone tower.

Apparently the man attacked the towers because he believed that radiation from the towers had caused his “head injury.”

My biggest question when I first saw this story was where did the guy get the APC. It turns out, however, that he simply stole it from his former boss, who rents it out for weddings and motor shows. Thus, it appears that it is a decommissioned APC.

My favorite line of the news story came from the magistrate who arraigned the man.

Magistrate Terry Forbes said there was a strong case to be made for the case to be dealt with under the Mental Health Act.

Those magistrates are kings of the understatement.