Friday Fun: Fashion Tips

43 Folders, a great place to find tips on getting your life organized or implementing a GTD process, provides some practical fashion tips.

The post provides 3 great tips.

1. When trying anything new, always ask yourself “Is this going to make me more or less likely to get laid?”
2. Everyone looks good in boots.
3. When you find the perfect bag, buy it.

I agree strongly with tip #3. As the poster explains:

Dudes and dudettes, do you know the perfect bag when you see it? The answer will be different for everyone, but it usually involves the perfect marriage of beauty and practicality.

. . .

And if that perfect bag ends up costing a king’s ransom, it doesn’t matter in the least. You can afford it. It is, after all, perfect. And how often does one find perfection in one’s life?

Check out the entire post to see all three tips explained.

Friday Fun: The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks

I learned of a great new blog today: The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks. The blog collects examples of people using quotation marks improperly. The blog has a great collection of these.

A tip of the hat to Nobody Knows Anything for pointing this blog out.

One of my favorites from the blog appears below. The irony in the picture is absolutely great.

Security Guard

Friday Fun: Wakerupper

I have stumbled across a service called Wakerupper. Essentially you just log on to the website and schedule a phone call to be placed to you on the date and at the time that you designate. The website promotes this as a great way to schedule a wakeup call or to schedule a reminder.

What the website fails to mention, however is that this service is also a great way to schedule a phone call to be placed to your cell phone in case you need to get out of a meeting that is running long.

Friday Fun: Woot Nails Apple Parody

Today, Woot has a great parody of Steve Jobs’s open letter about the iPhone price drop. The delicious irony is that the parody deals with Woot’s sale of a Microsoft Zune player. The parody begins:

I have received more than three emails from Zune buyers who are upset about Woot dropping the price of the Zune by $20 one month after it went on sale the first time. After reading every one of these emails, or at least scanning their subject lines, I have some observations and conclusions.

First, I need to make a better effort to hide my email address.

Second, I am sure that we are making the correct decision to lower the price of the 30GB Zune from $149.99 to $129.99. This confidence is based on more than the holy doctrine of corporate infallibility. The Zune is a breakthrough product, and we have the chance to “ride the lightning” and “shoot the curl” this holiday season, not to mention “kill the messenger” and “rock the vote”, further enabling us to “pay the rent” and “keep the lights on”. It benefits both Woot and every Zune user (but especially Woot) to drag as many new victims as possible into the Zune “dungeon”. We strongly believe that misery loves company this holiday season.

I encourage you to click over and read the whole parody. It’s even funny when you compare it paragraph by paragraph with the original.

Hat tip to Steve Johnson of Hypertext for the original link.

Friday Fun:

At the ISBA Solo and Small Firm Conference, I had the pleasure of speaking with Nerino Petro, Ross Kodner, Tood Flaming and Adam Nelson at a presentation called 60 Tips in 60 Minutes.

My favorite tip came from Ross and it has absolutely nothing to do with the law. It is a website called If people double parking, parking over the line, or squeezing an SUV in a compact only spot annoy you, this is the site for you.

Friday Fun: The Law & Order Drinking Game

I think I have seen just about every episode of this show (given that it runs all of the time, this is not a particularly remarkable feat). The Cranking Widgets Blog has shared with us the Law & Order Drinking Game.

My two favorites from the list:

  • Jack is ordered by the sitting DA to “Cut a Deal!“ – Whenever the prosecution’s case is somewhat shaky, the District Attorney will often tell Jack to attempt a plea bargain. This directive often follows a heated disagreement between the two – this was a terribly common occurrence during Adam Schiff’s term as DA. Jack reluctantly complies, but usually the offer is ridiculous and the defendant refuses. Then Jack gives him an ass-whooping of epic proportions in court.
  • Either Attorney Says “Withdrawn!“ – Usually preceded immediately by a very inflammatory remark. For example, Jack might say to a witness “You do realize you’re terribly ugly and your mother is a dudeWITHDRAWN.” Also, expect a subdued sense of shock throughout the courtroom as the offending attorney strolls confidently back to his seat.

If you are a Law & Order fan, you will likely the find the entire list quite entertaining. I was disappointed only by the fact that there were no entries for the police portion of the show.