Google Maps for Treo is Updated

Since Google debuted Google Maps, I have been a fan. I became an even bigGoogle Maps Treoger fan when Google unveiled Google Maps for the Treo. Google has now released a new version for the Treo. The thing that I love about the new version is that it integrates with your contacts.

This means that with just a few taps, you can select an address to map, as long as you have that address in your contacts. I use KeySuite to organize my contacts. Google Maps integrated perfectly fine with it. This integration makes Google maps that much easier to use on the Treo.

Treonauts shares my opinion about how useful and good this product is:

Let me start by saying that if you don’t already have Google Maps (see my review) installed on your Treo you should do so without hesitation at the soonest – it is without a doubt one of the top, most useful and fun freeware applications for your smartphone.

To install the new version, you can download the prc file, or you can point your Treo’s browser to Either way, you should have this on your Treo.

Now, if  Google integrated this with a GPS, we would be all set.