Creating a Gravatar

Last week’s Tip of the Week from Susan Cartier Liebel at Build a Solo Practice, LLC, is to create a Gravatar. As explained on the Gravatar website,

A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites. Avatars help identify your posts on web forums, so why not on weblogs?

Susan explains:

Solo Practice University is gravatar enabled.  The reason this is so important….recognition, familiarity, others seeing you in many places makes people say, “I’ve seen her around”  which leads to, “I know her.” In this day and age of multiple social media sites, this type of consistency throughout multiple communities is an easy, added bonus.’s a no-brainer.

Signing up to use Gravatars is as easy as providing an email address. To get your Gravatar, go here.

Yes, this blog handles Gravatars. You can see an example in the comments to this post.