LitiReviews Offers Reviews of Legal Software has unvieled a new website called litiReviews. LitiReviews describes itsself as having:

the largest collection of free legal and litigation software reviews on the web.  All reviews (100+) are full-text, and have been published in legal magazines, journals, websites and blogs. LitiReview links to copies of reviews available on the internet, or hosted by us at the author’s request.

I haven’t yet had the chance to fully explore this site, however, I like the concept of a central location to search for reviews of legal software.

The site appears to collect reviews that are otherwise available on the internet and gather them together in a searchable format. The search function appears to work well and, on the reviews I tested, clicking on the review title either took me to the website where the review was originally published or downloaed a PDF of the original review.

This site may not answer all of the questions that you have about a particular piece of software. However, it does look like a good place to start your research on legal software.