The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite RunnerFor Christmas, my sister gave me a copy of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Had she not given it to me, I likely would never have picked the book up. I have have too many unsatisfactory results from reading books that I “should” read to read a book simply because it is popular.

In this case, I am quite grateful that my sister gave me this book. I absolutely loved it. Hosseini does a wonderful job of describing Afghanistan, Kabul, and the rule of the Taliban. I found the description of Afghan culture particularly interesting and enjoyable. Hosseini masters what many others never seem to be able to. He can richly describe something without allowing the description to slow down or interfere with the story. In short, Hosseini tells a great story and tells it in an engaging and interesting manner.

Hosseini also creates real life characters with depth. The story, which I would describe as being about friendship and redemption, provides you with plenty of opportunities to like, dislike, and empathize with the characters.

If you are looking for a well-told, engaging story. I recommend The Kite Runner.

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